Wednesday, September 05, 2012

life as an artist: reality check: the rise of men

It's not easy being an artist.  Being an entity.  Creating something out of nothing.  Everyday.  And than having people review your work. And in this golden technological age that means everyone on the internet.  It's almost as hard as being an actor and going on auditions. You got to have thick skin to take the criticism. And sometimes you need a reality check in your life.  To make you appreciate what you have.  Which brings me to the rise of men. Because we got a reality check.  And it hit us hard.  And now we're trying to figure out who we are.  We're trying to not only survive but to make our mark.  But there have been setbacks.  And the men the media focuses on in society can bring us down (i.e.; "Winning").  But we are finding a new place in this new world. We are finding a balance between work and family. Sometimes an obstacle leads us down the path less taken.  And that path may lead us to a better place.  I hope it does.  Because I never want to go back to where it was we were before. We've already been there, why would we want to go back?


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