Wednesday, July 04, 2012

this is not brooklyn

I couldn't begin to tell you how different the part of Texas we were in is from where I live.  Not the billboards and the airports but the zebras (see above) and the way everyone looks the same and looks at me like I'm from Mars.  We went to a restaurant in Katy, Texas and it seemed like one big family was in front of us in line for a reservation.  (Probably the family of 10 that commented and was outraged by my post:"how 2 is more than twice as hard as 1").  It was the "new" spot in town so everyone and their mother was there but the guacamole was from the can and the margs were weak. And when we sat down, they looked at us as if we were the beats and it was the fifties.   Might as well have been.  Most of the folks look like they never saw anyone from anywhere outside of Texas. I could have been from Mars for all they knew.  I can't believe we all live in the same country. I went to The Katy Mall wearing my daughter in the Ergo. I must have looked like I was from outer space. This was the hub of fast food nation.  And anything that's a chain in my book is fast food.  When did America become so vanilla?


Sarah said...

Hahaha, even people in the greater Houston area feel that way about Katy. Next time you are down this way let me know and I can give you some recommendations for real margaritas, guac, and places that might feel a little less alien...I stress the word is still Texas mind you...and after 17 years it still feels strange to me.

Unknown said...

Thanks Sarah, please pass on any recommendations. DZ