Wednesday, April 18, 2012

re: to nap or not to nap: anonymous responds

Our 3 year old and 5 year old  go to bed 8-8:30 and get up at 5:30. The 3 year old
would sleep in if he could but we're out the door at 7am on to nap or not to nap: the toddler question

Here's my Re: Re: I'm not sure this is healthy for a child much less a toddler. Are you waking up your children at 5:30 or is that the time they wake up on their own?  Don't they get tired?  My daughter wakes up at 6 but we have time in the morning to spend with each other and play games like which Beatle sings which songs.  But whatever works for you. I just know how important sleep is for a toddler.



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