Thursday, February 02, 2012

to nap or not to nap: the toddler question

dylan is going down around 8 pm every night and woke up this morning at 5 am! and yes it's me that gets up with her...and yes it's me that's not complaining b/c my wife is nursing harps all night (which I'm awake for?) I dreaming right now or am I awake?  is this reality?  are we still in a recession?? ok, back to it time to give up the nap?  I would give up the nap if it meant my daughter went down (I love this expression in parenting, it's like a war term :) at 7 pm and slept until 7 am....thoughts folks??

sleepless dz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our 3yo&5yo goto bed 8-8:30 and get up at 5:30. The 3yo would sleep in if he could but we're out the door at 7am