Monday, October 16, 2017

off the grid

I have an acupuncture mat called the zen sufu...I lay on my back and think about what to write...What to share....I've been reading Kim Gordon's "Girl In A Band"...I could talk about that...But that's her story...And I'm realizing that we talk a lot about the stars....But the stories that interest me...Are the ones we're not paying attention to 24/7....Because aren't celebrities for the most part boring?  Their lives are consumed by people telling them things they want to hear. They are not real.  They are no longer interesting a lot of the times.  What we pay attention to in our culture is all consuming.  There's no room in our lives for anyone besides the top echelon.  But they become boring.  And we get bored with them quickly and replace them with the next young thing.  But it is all so predictable.  But there's a backlash.  Because people want more from their lives.  But it's hard to find deeper meaning when your face is glued to the screen.

I watched a documentary last night on living off the grid.  It was based in Canada and the people that lived "off the grid" talked about sustainability and learning about plumbing and electricity and how they were content yet it was a struggle.  And I think about living off the land.  I think about the quiet and the work that could get done and the space and closeness we would feel as a family and leave much of the technological world behind....But it seems like we are so removed from nature.  And we miss this.  But it's tempting.  It's work.  But it's work that you know is important and you believe in it because it's what you are and what you'll eat and who you'll be.....It's something to consider.....

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