Tuesday, May 07, 2013

pass the mic

I visited the park they dedicated to Adam Yauch this morning. It's been a year since he passed. I can still picture him skateboarding in the East Village to the music store on my block to check out some guitar pedals. That's when I lived above Dance Tracks. That was the 90's.  The East Village was different.  The city was different.  The world was different.  But I digress.  Back to today.  There was a new Mom playing with her toddler in this park. Taking pics of him on her iPhone.  Unaware of the name change I suspect.  But she probably partied to "Check Your Head" or "Paul's Boutique" in college.  At Vassar. Or Wisconsin. I'm tempted to tell her that they renamed the park after Adam. I'm tempted to tell her child about The Beastie Boys.  And how they changed my life. But I keep on running.  I keep on moving.


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