Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"looks like you have your hands full"

woman on the street: "looks like you have your hands full, sir"
me:"first, please, ma'am, if you read my blog you would know, please don't call me sir and, yeah, I'm good but thanks for caring......

I wanted to ask this women who was probably twice my age if my hands looked more "full" than the mother across the street who was attempting to appease her little boy who was having a tantrum which little boys tend to do...a lot.....I louis ck's beacon theater live show which I watched yesterday on nettflix, he talks a lot about the state of young men/little punk boys in this country....but I digress.... because this post wasn't about the state of young men....that's another post, a different discussion for another day...........but about my hands being full? tonight the girls and I ordered in mexican and now they're giving each other hugs so my hands are free!  for a minute......


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