Tuesday, May 08, 2012

dylan & warhol

"That's your book," Dylan exclaims when I pull "Andy Warhol's Colors" out from her bookshelf because she knows I got it for her and that I'm an artist who doesn't find it pretentious to read arty books to my kids.  Relevant books.  But I digress.  I'm recommending this book to y'all because it's not as obvious as other children's books and allows your toddler to use her imagination.  And it just sounds cool when your 3 year old says the name "Andy Warhol". And Dylan's on a rainbow kick.
Maybe when I get my Vespa, her and I can take a ride into the city and go to the moma and see some real art in person.  BTW, I know this is unrelated, but what is considered "real" art these days?



Stevie said...

I'd just like to say I stumbled upon this blog through a link @ NME.com

Best find for a while.

Keep it up :)

Unknown said...

thanks stevie....keep reading and commenting.....this is an open forum. dz