Monday, July 12, 2010

Pier 6

i see I guy like me walking with his baby in the urgo and I say to my wife, "hey, he's like me, he's a "stay at home""....and my wife reminds me that we have a full time what does that make me?  a musician, freelance tv producer? i took a run today down by the promenade in brooklyn, got to look good for the stage tomorrow, playing a real mellow show at a friend of mine's bar Bar Reis, tomorrow (tuesday) night in Park Slope on 5th Ave. No cover.  And next week I'm playing on Wednesday early (6) for a showcase at Rodeo Bar in Manhattan on 3rd Ave. in Murray Hill where all those post grad wisconsin/michigan/cornell grads hang out in bars and talk about Labron and stocks, but it should be an awesome night for shizzal....
But enough self promotion, that gets boring right?  the truth is when something is great in New York, everybody finds out about it and is on to it and it stops being fun.

this place was intended for residents like myself, like Dylan, like Lisa, like Nicole, Eva, Dianna, Cody, Jay, Jade, Max, Teddy, Katie, Jake etc......
to use with our children, in the summer, in the water, in the sand, on the slides (which Dylan loves going down with me) etc...
But just a month into it's openings, there is a new "kind" of parent in town (Brooklyn that is)....
These people don't watch their kids, they watch their IPhone (and I'm not calling out all IPhone users, some of my best friends use them, I'm just locked into a lifetime deal with Verizon I can't get out of :(
and I don't want to be responsible to have to watch their children. And now Pier 6 has been invaded by the Williamsburg Hasidic community (I am Jewish btw, so I'm allowed to be judgemental)
This Hasidic women nearly knocked Dylan out of the way to get water out for her child's pale.  It was like my daughter didn't even exist and she's 17 months old.  Then one boy nearly knocked her over when she was walking out of the gate.  I screamed I hollered. Another mother like myself saw the whole incident and confided in me that she felt the same way.  Maybe after a few months the hype will die down and we can get our water park back.  Dylan loves the slides though, maybe I'll take her in the morning....and maybe I'll meet y'all tomorrow night in Park Slope @ Bar Reis....


Anonymous said...

I had a similar experience this afternoon at pier 6. I came home and looked up the city parks rules. They are technically required to get a permit to bring in that many people. I am going to start complaining...

Unknown said...

nice. dz