Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Speaking From The Heart...

Alright folks, my wife told me if you want people to care about your blog, you've got to speak from the heart.  Tell the reader the truth.  So this blog is not just about being a dad.  This blog is about the current state I find my life in.  I'm a musician and a freelance TV producer.  But as many of you know and can relate to, business is slow, and I'm not sure when it's going to get better.  I'm scared and I'm really scared for the future.  There you go...I said it...I'm not sure what direction my life will turn and I try to stay optimistic everyday.  Here are the facts: making money off of being a musician is very difficult.  My best year financially as a musician was 2008 when Obama used my song in the Super Bowl.  That was the most money I ever saw from music.  But those TV placements are few and far between and now when I do get a placement, the money upfront is bad and on the back end it's not going to pay for my child's education.  On the TV producer front, my last gig ended in November, producing an episode of Mystery Diagnosis.  And since this year started, it seems even slower.  I saw an editor friend at the gym today who said he was temping stuffing envelopes now because things are so slow.  I feel like we are in Russia now!  Getting out of college, my friends and I had all the hope in the world to conquer it with whatever our passion was.  We were invincible.  Not anymore.  I see so many talented people marginalized by the workforce now it makes me depressed.  But we must remain optimistic if not for us, but for our children.  I try to use this time and the struggles to inspire songs and words and I believe that art does get better with the hardships.  Wow, I hope I'm not depressing y'all.  I just want to say that there are more things to life than work, but if there is no work, than who are we?  Not just money, but a place to go everyday, to share ideas, to eat lunch together....If you have something to say on this subject, feel free to respond, please respond let me know your out there....I leave you with a pic of my daughter, the reason that I get up and try to be a better man everyday....oh, and also my wife, and my own self worth but you probably could guess that....We are heading to New Orleans next week to be in the city for the Super Bowl, for Madi Gras and to escape the NY cold winter....Keep reading my friends, I will reveal more and more each day :)



Anonymous said...

i love the fact that you were so honest. times are tough right now, but the fact that every day you go out there and just do it...well that's a lot. she's worth it. (your daughter)

my dad was a musician too. he would have loved to make music his number one priority, but he had six kids to feed. unfortunately he wasn't able to do what he loved as a career.

do what you love dan. things will get better. did you believe me? ~smiling~ i hope so.

Unknown said...

what kind of musician was your dad? yeah, we have it pretty good in this country after watching what's happening now in Haiti, it breaks my heart....we need to love the things we have and cherish everyday :) DZ

Anonymous said...

singer, guitar player. every saturday morning, we kids would be woken up by my dad's electric guitar. why did it have to be so loud, and so damn early? lol