Thursday, December 03, 2009

new stuff

So heading into december I wanted to keep y'all in my loop. I have a new project with a singer songwriter named laura ball.  She's got this amazing voice that reminds me of cat power and potishead and we are working on a record together for a band that will be named soon.  I'll keep you posted.  I'm also finishing my other untitled project with jack livesey this month which is super exciting.  The songs are reminiscent of late beatles/harrison/lennon solo work and you can hear a few new tracks at my myspace site 

otherwise, working on my blog, building a network of musicians for my new organzation, H.C.F.M (Healthcare For Musicians)....

On the homefront, Dylan has been doing incredible, our nanny Kerry got back from London and Dylan was so excited to see her.  Dylan seems to be ahead developmentally and I bet she'll be walking in the next few weeks, she's already standing and letting go off the couch!

Lots of holiday parties coming up, can't believe they are almost here, true entertainment, al roker party, steve krupa decorating the christmas tree party....

All my peeps out there that I've lost touch with, know that I love you and that I'm thinking about you....Life as a rocker dad can get pretty demanding...that's it for this post, here's a pic of Dilly trying her first pizza in Rome.....Yummy!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she's simply adorable.