I know it's just Pre-K but our 4 and 1/2 year old is going to big girl school. I think I'm more anxious than she is at this point. Meeting new parents and teachers and being in a new environment is something I'm use to. It's just a big deal and I'm ready for the first day to be over. Plus the PTA wants us to volunteer 1 hour a week over lunch so the teachers can get a break. I thought I would be using my musical talents to entertain the kids but I guess I'll be cleaning up sloppy joe's off the cafeteria floor. But whatever, it's better than waiting in a truck to catch Lindsey Lohan stumbling out of a party. But that's a whole other story. Almost a different life. But I digress. Well, wish me luck. I just can't believe the "PTA" is now apart of my life. But it's inevitable when you have kids. So I'll embrace it. And help change it. I'm sure there's not a lot of guys like me on the PTA board. But that's going to change. Because a lot of things have changed in this country. In this world. The old way is out. The trophy wives/moms are dwindling and there are more dads involved in school activities than ever. And that's a good thing. Alright, thanks for listening....Now, off to Pre-K.......
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