Saturday, July 13, 2013

waking up with the kids

At least you get to see the sunrise. Yep, having kids means waking up early.  Unless you have a live-in nanny or kids who sleep late (the lucky ones), you're waking up.  It's like living in a sleepless daze.  You're never really fully rested.  Even when you let your spouse sleep in, they wake up and say, "I'm still tired, I could sleep longer."  Yeah, so could I.  And it's not like a relaxing time when you wake up where you make coffee and read the paper in peace.  It's changing diapers, making breakfast, doing art etc....It's like setting up an instant daycare at 6 AM.  And you have to be on. And in good spirits.  And deal with loud noises.  And clean up oatmeal and yogurt and bananas off the floor.  Before kids, we'd wake up leisurely and make coffee and watch the news.  No more.  Now it's their TV, it's their world and we just live in it.  So for parents with older kids I ask, does it get better?  When do they start to sleep late?  When will I not wake with the frogs and the cows?


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