Saturday, July 06, 2013

living off the land

I flew coach on United today from Houston to New York City.  The baby slept with her head on my leg which meant i couldn't get to my iPhone.  Oh well.  I've been downgraded to a iPhone 4 for reasons out of my control.  But more on that later.  A small army of church kids on a mission from god I assume surrounded us on the plane like a pack of coyotes. One read "Brave New World" so at least they kept up on their studies while they preached the word of god.  And I wondered why they were heading to the city.   Probably not to go to Twilo.  New York City was probably just a stop on the way to their final mission.  But I've lived in the south.  I know what it's like to have space and access to a river.  And fish.  And possibly live off the land.  Like the "Dancing Rabbits".  More on them later.  In Texas with my in-laws over the 4th I heard a lot of talk about living off the land.  As if the end was inevitable.  As if we should prepare and live like the end is near now.  But I feel torn. On one hand, the space, the cows, the river, the laidbackness.  was calming.  But it was also weird to be so isolated.  And even though I could see myself living like that one day. Just feeding my kids. Things I grow. I tried to live on a Kibbutz once in Israel.  Instead I left for Egypt for a 3 week bender with my friends.  Those were different times.


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