Thursday, June 06, 2013

instant crush

it's like i'm back in high school....and the girl i took to prom was from chicago....and she's probably married with 2 kids living in the burbs now.....but on the boat that night, the milwaukee river, the edelweiss......all was good....and this track reminds me of that night....and my youth.....hey, did you get the girl you wanted or do you love the one your with?  do love the life that you've you adapt to life b/c you never thought you'd be where you are??  do you want to dance?  do you want to go steady?  do you want to go back to high school? really??? was it really that good?  all your life was ahead of you and love was still undiscovered.....the grass is greener even in life....even in la, people grow up......too bad.....

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