Friday, March 15, 2013

moon state's "somebody's watching" now at soundcloud

Sombody's Watching

Sometimes giving ain't enough
Sometimes you've got to try hard
Sometimes it feels like your waiting something to fall from above
But nothing's gonna fall into your hands like that my friend

Somebody's watching
Somebody's watching
Somebody's watching

All my mistakes
They don't amount to much
All that I can take

Somebody's talking to you
Somebody's talking to you
Somebody's talking to you
Somebody's talking to you
Which way you walking to?
Which way you going through?
How you gonna make it through?
Until the end without falling down

Somebody's watching you
Somebody's talking to you
Somebody's watching 
Somebody's watching
Somebody's watching

Recorded at BRD Studios
Brooklyn 3.13
Written and recorded by Dan Zweben/Moon State
Shorewood Songs (BMI)

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