Tuesday, February 19, 2013

drive down to elmira


(R.I.P. Elmira resident/my late grandma would have turned 97 this month)

It's been too long.  Too much time has past.  But I need to get back to Elmira.  To remember my past. To visit the ones that have passed.  Because I don't think I know anyone else left. And that's a scary thought.  So I'll have to do it with my cousin Joy who hooked me up with this pic of Grandma. Joy Joy, you rock.  I once had a conversation with Tommy Hilfiger about Elmira. He grew up there and I had family there. Tommy said he knew my grandpa and remembered "them" calling him "Jumbo".  In a small town like Elmira, everyone had a nickname.   And everyone knew each other. What a different world.  Different from the world I know at least.  But we do have a community in Brooklyn that I feel is like my extended family.  But this post isn't about Brooklyn.  It's about Elmira. Elmira, the town where Jumbo owned a liquor store.  And Uncle Paul owned a pawn shop.  And that was the life they knew. And that was the life they lived.  R.I.P. Jumbo, Paul, Helen, Ruth......

The first track off my first album Places In Time,  "Elmira"......


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