Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dylan Got Me Out Of Jury Duty.......

So since I fall under the "Unemployed" stay at home father headline, I was let go from New York Jury Duty this morning before 10 AM.  Watching the Ed Bradley/Diane Sawyer video that is the same video as the one they used the last time I had jury duty, I realized my time was better spent working on my music, spending time with my child, or volunteering my time playing music for hospital patients, hell, I even thought about heading down to Haiti this week...I wish I could...I wish I could take all of those children with nowhere to go and no parents to speak to, and bring them to a place where they had everything....but oh how we wish we could do so much more....But I'm losing focus here, need to bring BRD folks up to speed....Dylan is going to be walking in the next few weeks, she's already standing unsupported for brief periods of time, wow, can't believe what a year it has been....things on my agenda: See new Jeff Bridges film, finish recording album with Jack Livesey, finish recording album with Laura Ball, sell the docu drama I've been developing to major production company, spend time with friends/family, love my child and family more.....bla bla bla, have a great week!

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