Saturday, November 21, 2009

the city, nyc, bk.....

has the city become too much for us?
the thought of going through the process of selecting a school
for dylan is mind numbing, are we really going to have to go through that??
and the question my wife poses, does that mean we only have 1 child?
because the space is too small, the city is pushing people out like me and my friends...
it has become too much to handle...
and I don't want to sound pessimistic because this is my favorite city on earth and it kills
me that I can't survive here....
hasn't it really gotten to the point where we are going to find a few of our closest friends and go
pack it up and go live in the woods somewhere and live off the land
and no questions asked, an american kibbutz so to speak....
sign me up, better than a tv that has nothing to watch, a radio which plays nothing of interest, a film that hasn't been pushed down our throats, there must be something more than this...
and we slave away at our dead end jobs to go play in a band or act after work, and it doesn't make sense that we can't be accepted for what we are by our gov't, there is no reason for musicians shouldn't have equal rights as any other form of occupation...musicians should have health insurance just for being musicians, to offer our country a different perspective on life, that should be rewarded, if you are a musician or know a musician and agree and would like to organize and petition for musicians rights, please comment on the post!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm not a musician, but i'm in full agreement with you. i've never lived in nyc, but i lived in hawaii for many years, and when i got married and had a child...the cost of living was just too much. we had to leave this gorgeous island that i loved!