Thursday, September 24, 2009


Dylan, Lisa and I woke up, we played, I wrote a song about going to the park and singing songs....I'll be joining the Funky Monkey's for a show in October at The Jewish Museum and I have to write a hit children's song for the event....Just call me rockin dad...Following in the footsteps of the great Dan Zanes....Not sure if that is my calling though...I always thought of myself more in the realm of Leonard Cohen, paying my rent by the Tower Of Song....What a great song....I love Martha Wainwright's version....I love Loudon Wainwright's "Daughter"....I love the film "Knocked Up"....And I'm digging "Bored To Death", there's a great special on HBO where Jonathan Ames takes you around to the places in Brooklyn they shot the show in....I love Brooklyn, I have to say, after living in LA for 4 years and Manhattan for 2, Brooklyn is the perfect balance of the 2....Trees yet urban, great restaurants but not always packed, artists friendly, baby friendly, rocker friendly, that's all for now my friends....



Anonymous said...

just wandering and wandered onto your blog. i enjoyed the visit. hope you don't mind if i stop in again.

btw...loved 'knocked up' too.

Unknown said...

welcome lisa! dz